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The Water Authority of Fiji (WAF) would like to correct an eyewitness piece published on page 7 of today’s Fiji Times (3/10/21), which stated “This manhole along Narere Road, Nasinu, poses a risk to pedestrians. It needs to be covered.”

This is not a manhole, and is actually an air valve chamber.

The cover of the chamber was removed from the site without the permission of the Authority by unknown parties.

To ensure public safety, a temporary safety net will be set up in the interim until a new chamber lid is constructed to replace the missing lid.

The Authority urges the media to use the correct terminology, as it can cause unnecessary confusion for the public.

For further information, you can call 334 6777 or shortcode 5777 (all mobile networks) or email


What is the process and fee for a new water connection?

How much is the Lodgment fee?

  • House under construction / Vacant land / Commercial or Industrial
    • $101.00.
  • Completely built house. – [Please provide a letter from the lands department and/ or completion certificate ]
    • $21.95. [Please provide a letter from the lands department. completion certificate or Stamped Statutory declaration on the completion of the house]

Processing Time

  • Inspection to Approval – 15 Working days from the inspection date.
  • Installation – 30 Working days from payment of New Connection cost, on a first-come, first-serve basis. [Stakeholder processing may cause delays]. *Note: Approval of installation is valid for 3 months from the date of issue.

How much does the new connection cost?

  • Type A – $285 [“T” from existing connection] Type B $345 [direct connection from WAF main line]
  • New connection costs for Commercial and Industrial customers will be estimated according to requirements and a cost will be provided.
  • Road Crossing/ Service Enlargement is payable if required for additional meters requested. This will be communicated when the approval of internal and external stakeholders are obtained. WAF on behalf of FRA will refund any unused monies to the customer where applicable.