Re: WAF Situation Report No. 2 as at 06:00 Hours, 18 December 2020 – TC Yasa
This situation report entails the status of the Water Authority of Fiji’s assets around the country in light of Tropical Cyclone Yasa:
- WAF is working around the clock to provide consistent water supply to all Fijians.
- Water restoration operations will depend on weather conditions, repairs will be carried out and water supply will be restored once the floodwaters subside to allow WAF ground teams to safely access the affected areas.
- Members of the public are requested to store and boil all drinking water.
- WAF continues to inform customers on water disruptions through SMS text messages, WAF website and Facebook page
- Water carting trucks are on standby to service the affected areas, weather and road conditions permitting, as and when the need arises. Please also understand that road conditions will be affected by TC Yasa and as such there will be times and circumstances when water carting services will not be able to be undertaken until the roads are made safe to travel.
- All WAF Customer Services Centres remain closed until further notice.
- WAF requests members of the public that require water carting services, to please contact the National Call Centre on 334 6777 or shortcode 5777 or via the toll-free line 1507 as well as 1508 for customers in the Northern Division.
Status of water supply around Fiji are as follows:
Both the Tamavua and Waila water treatment plants continue to operate.
Due to power fluctuations, all pumping stations have been switched over to the Standby Generators to sustain pumping.
All Standby Gensets at Critical Asset locations is in operation with water carting on standby.
Certain areas may face intermittent supply due to valve operations that are being carried out with an effort to maintain reservoir levels.
WAF is presently monitoring river water levels at its raw water pumping stations if levels increase and pose as a threat – WAF will switch off the standby Gensets at these sites as a safety precaution.
All major water treatment plants in the Western Division continue to operate as normal.
Rakiraki: Malake Island burst main.
Ba: Balevuto Dam closed due to flooding, water carting trucks deployed to provide relief.
Sigatoka: Keyasi Water Supply System
The raw water intake pump had malfunctioned. Efforts to repair the raw water pump were unsuccessful due to heavy rain and flooding. The communities have been advised and water carting has been arranged for customers in the area.
Tavua, Lautoka, Nadi are running on Gensets, due to power outages.
Labasa: Normal operations except for Volanau Reservoir due to a suspected burst main at Boubale Bridge. Burst main is underwater.
Customers in Nabouwalu and Savusavu may experience water supply issues due to flooding at the raw water intakes.
Water carting trucks will be deployed to service the affected areas, weather and road permitting.
Meanwhile, Fijians in the Northern Division can directly contact the WAF North Call Centre via toll-free shortcode 1508.