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The Water Authority of Fiji (WAF) is working to improve the supply of water to elevated areas in Nadi who have been receiving intermittent water supply.

Earlier this month, WAF had successfully commissioned the DN600 transmission pipeline from Nadele to the Votualevu Rice Mill junction, in Nadi.

WAF General Manager Customer Services, Mr Sekove Uluinayau said that the pipeline is 7.39kilometres long and is fed from the Nagado Water Treatment Plant and was installed during the recent Nagado Water Treatment Plant Shutdown in September, earlier this year.

“Due to the major upcoming and current developments happening in Nadi, it was imperative for WAF to undertake this project to meet the water demands from both our domestic and commercial customers,” said Mr Uluinayau.

In the meantime, Mr Uluinayau says that the new cross connection line is being opened extremely gradually to prevent any hydraulics imbalance that may disturb and burst any of WAF’s existing bulk supply line due to sudden boost in pressure and water supply.

To improve water distribution, WAF is also working to install two Tasman Tanks at 6MLD (Megalitres) each, earthworks have begun at the site in Nawaicoba. Another Tasman Tank will also be built at Nadi Hospital will hold 1MLD. These tanks will be reservoirs to hold water to service areas in the vicinity and they are expected to be in operation towards the end of next year.

So far many residents have expressed their gratitude to the Authority as consistent water supply has been experienced in their homes.

Constituency Member Advisory from Veilandan Road to Nawaicoba Police Post, Vivendra Vicky Singh, 52, who resides at the junction of Sonaisali said that he has experienced water pressure improvements and consistent supply to their area.

“We have been suffering from a lot of water problems, water would resume during odd hours and it was hard for us to fill our buckets in the middle of nights. But, I am glad that it has been sorted and the WAF team has done a good job and I hope that it will maintain that way,” said Mr Singh.

Nabila Village Headman, Pauliasi Namualevu, 60, also thanked WAF for the works conducted in improving the supply of water as his village is located at the extreme southern-end of Nadi.

“Water used to come little by little and at times not at all, now with the consistent supply I and my villagers are grateful to the Government and the Water Authority of Fiji in making this happen, we really appreciate it,” said Mr Namualevu.

Uciwai Road resident, Mrs Yasodha Devi Krishna, 40, who has been residing in the area for the past 30 years also expressed her appreciation on behalf of her community for the improvements in water supply.

“I am really glad that we are now receiving water in the day, because the ladies in our village stay home in the day and we need water to conduct our chores and household work and I am very pleased with the hard work that they have put in,” said Mrs Krishna.

Mr Uluinayau said that these works are part of the Nadi Water System improvement works.

“I would like to personally thank the residents of Nadi living in elevated areas of Nadi and towards the southern end for their patience and understanding as WAF worked around the clock to get water supply improved and consistent,” said Mr Uluinayau.

More updates will be made as the situation improves on the ground.


What is the process and fee for a new water connection?

How much is the Lodgment fee?

  • House under construction / Vacant land / Commercial or Industrial
    • $101.00.
  • Completely built house. – [Please provide a letter from the lands department and/ or completion certificate ]
    • $21.95. [Please provide a letter from the lands department. completion certificate or Stamped Statutory declaration on the completion of the house]

Processing Time

  • Inspection to Approval – 15 Working days from the inspection date.
  • Installation – 30 Working days from payment of New Connection cost, on a first-come, first-serve basis. [Stakeholder processing may cause delays]. *Note: Approval of installation is valid for 3 months from the date of issue.

How much does the new connection cost?

  • Type A – $285 [“T” from existing connection] Type B $345 [direct connection from WAF main line]
  • New connection costs for Commercial and Industrial customers will be estimated according to requirements and a cost will be provided.
  • Road Crossing/ Service Enlargement is payable if required for additional meters requested. This will be communicated when the approval of internal and external stakeholders are obtained. WAF on behalf of FRA will refund any unused monies to the customer where applicable.