The Water Authority of Fiji (WAF) urges all Fijians to be responsible for their own litter to help keep our surroundings free of germs and diseases.
As part of its corporate social responsibility, WAF undertook a cleanup campaign along Wailoku Road.
WAF CEO, Barry Omundson, urged all Fijians to be responsible for their own litter to help keep our surroundings free of rubbish which can cause problems for our health and the environment.
“As human beings, we must take responsibility for our surroundings for the sake of future generations. We found a worrying amount of litter during the cleanup and we hope that this campaign, one of many, begins a culture of environmental awareness and responsibility,” said Mr Omundson.
“The environment has always been a key priority for us, and we understand the importance of keeping it clean – all our wastewater collection undergoes a process before being distributed back into the environment so as to achieve standards set by the World Health Organisation.”
“WAF’s vision statement is ‘Clean Water and Sanitation for a Better Life’, and while we do our part to ensure Fijians are provided with access to improved sanitation, we also take seriously our environment, and not just where we have an impact by the nature of our operations.”
Mr Omundson said that their team of WAF volunteers, who feel as passionately as he about keeping Fiji rubbish free, will continue to undertake clean-up programs across all regions from time to time.
“We simply ask that you consider your environment – your Fiji – next time you want to throw litter out the window or dump rubbish alongside the road.”
“Respect our environment and Don’t Dump on Fiji.”
Mr Omundson also mentioned how imperative it is for Fijians to save water and use it wisely, as we enter the drought season – ensure that you store at least 2 days worth of water in your households and workplaces.