The Water Authority of Fiji (WAF) held two sessions with its business and domestic and residential customers at the Holiday Inn in Suva.
While opening the Customer Forum, WAF General Manager Customer Services and Acting General Manager Operations, Mr Sekove Uluinayau said that the forum was a platform to formally engage with customers on a regular basis.
“The purpose is to provide updates on WAF developments and plans and discuss issues arising and this platform gives us the opportunity to listen to you, and your views as well as your feedback on our service delivery. The main aim of this forum is to basically foster Trust, Value as well as Understandings for you, our customers,” said Mr Uluinayau.
“This forum is also designed to transmit information and create awareness in a timely, cost-effective and organized manner with a long term objective of bringing attitudinal and behavioural changes in the society in terms of water conservation and waste management including WAF services as a whole.”
Mr Uluinayau said that the forum also provides a platform to have a clear demarcation of the representative’s views and it was imperative to separate the business customers from the domestic customers.
“This is due to the nature of the issues, ideas and discussions that may take place may be different from a domestic customer forum. The Business Customer Forum is solely for our commercial customers while the Customer Council focuses on residential or domestic customers and institutions and members of the Forum are invited representatives of all sectors of the community and business associations and groups,” said Mr Ulunaiyau.
The participants were briefed and updated on a wide range of topics such as the WAF Achievements and the plans for 2019 and 2020, SCADA Network, Public Sector Investment Program (PSIP) update plans for 2019 and 2020 (Regional Updates), Integrated Meter Management plans for 2019 and 2020, Subdivision, Liquid Trade Waste Management, Wastewater Services, Compulsory E-Billing Services as well as the Customer Charter.
Meanwhile, WAF will be holding similar customer forums in the Western Division this Thursday, 21st February 2019 at the Tanoa Waterfront Hotel and next week Thursday 27th February 2019 at the Hotel Takia Conference Room. Business customer forum session times will be from 8:30am to 12pm while the Customer Council session time is from 1pm to 5pm.